Realize lasting value fast

with our proven customer success methodology

We have the recipe for your success


Quickly and effectively achieve your goals and stay successful thanks to our customer success methodology, best practices and expert team.

Through 20 years of experience with thousands of world-class organizations we have built a body of best practice experience and assets and an expert teams that few other companies can match. More importantly, this is a team that always go the extra mile in customer care and success. Taken together this means that with Bizzdesign you are entering a true partnership that will ensure you reach your goals rapidly and successfully. Today and as your future needs and ambitions evolve.

Our success formula includes:

World-class training and onboarding.

From intimate classroom sessions to powerful e-learning and hybrid training, our BiZZdesign Academy provides learning experience that are consistently graded 9 (out of 10) by our customers.

Value Acceleration Package:

  1. Organizational Value Assessment (OVA).
  2. Change Capabilities.
  3. Business Value Accelerators (BVAs).

Lifetime Success Services:

  • Dedicated lifetime success manager.
  • Expert inquiries.
  • Core Design Capability enablement.

3 steps to accelerated value


BiZZdesign Value Acceleration Package


1. Prioritize

Organizational Value Assessment

Quickly prioritize the best practice packages and assets of our Change capabilities and/or custom Business Value Accelerators and deliver rapid value to stakeholders.


2. Enable

Predefined Change Capabilities

Speed up time to value with BiZZdesign’s powerful out-of-the-box best practice templates, standardized imports, model structures, visualizations and dashboards.


3. Tailor

Business Value Accelerators (BVAs)

Often combined with Change Capabilities, BVAs allow you to tailor and design your specific outcomes without reinventing the wheel, by fully leveraging our extensive experience.

Agile Delivery

All parts of our customer success methodology are executed in an agile fashion. Delivering results rapidly and iteratively through a series of ‘sprints’. This allows you to quickly generate and show value to key stakeholders, gather their feedback, and further improve the desired outcomes.

1. Prioritize

Organizational Value Assessment

The Organizational Value Assessment (OVA) help you zoom in on the highest impact areas for your company.

During the Organizational Value Assessment (OVA), we work together to prioritize fast-track packages, whether predefined Change Capabilities and/or custom Business Value Accelerators (BVAs). These packages ensure Horizzon and additional expert Bizzdesign resources are fully engaged to deliver the desired business outcomes in the shortest possible timeframe.

Our packages form the foundation of an effective, well-embedded Enterprise Architecture team, while rapidly delivering valuable information to support strategic and operational decision making. In doing so, we seek to achieve the best of both world between the efficiency of out-of-the-box assets and the recognition that every company is different. As a result, all our fast-track packages are fully tailored and enabled to your reality and specifications.

2. Enable

Change Capabilities


Change Capabilities help speed up time-to-value with predefined assets that we enable to your specific specifications using agile “Value Sprints“.

With Change Capabilities, we speed up value delivery by leveraging BiZZdesign’s practice-based templates. Every Change Capability includes standardized imports, model structures, visualizations and dashboards. As defined during the Organizational Value Assessment, a specific set and order of predefined Change Capabilities are selected and enabled in Horizzon to create fast business value.

Change Capabilities can be combined with a tailored Business Value Accelerator to focus on more customized business outcomes.

3. Tailor

Business Value Accelerators (BVA)

BVAs concentrate years of experience into a singular service offering, providing access to a wealth of best practices developed across hundreds of successful implementations.

Custom Business Value Accelerators (BVAs) are different from Change Capabilities in that your stakeholder questions, available data sets, and desired views/dashboards define the work to be carried out. In other words, we fully leverage our rich best practices and assets but in a fully tailored fixed price package aimed at achieving your specific goals. Future state design is a typical use case for BVAs.

This approach can also be combined with one or more of our predefined Change Capabilities for faster time-to-value.

Check out the power of BVAs through our customer webinar with Royal Bank of Scotland.

Watch the webinar

Customers we’ve helped reach success

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