BiZZdesign Customer South State Bank Wins Enterprise Architecture Award 2016

Oct 31, 2016
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BiZZdesign Customer South State Bank Wins Enterprise Architecture Award 2016

A big congratulations goes out to our customer South State Bank for being chosen as a winner in this year’s Forrester and InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Awards 2016.

Enterprise Architecture Awards

Forrester and InfoWorld set the theme for this year’s awards as ‘Speed and Responsiveness – And EA”. Business leaders are demanding that their business moves faster – everything from updating digital capabilities to bringing more agility in how firms work with customers and suppliers. In theory, enterprise architecture is a key capability for moving faster. But how can EA programs – traditionally policemen of technology – deliver on this potential?

BiZZdesign customer South State Bank took a Kaizen approach to their digital transformation initiative. Using Enterprise Studio, they modeled their current state architecture via a capability model that was easily consumable by the stakeholders. This revealed opportunities for improvements that could be traced back to enterprise strategic goals. Increased visibility into their enterprise portfolio allowed for a significant reduction in obsolete services which freed up resources to focus on the organization’s strategic goals

Jury member David Trice, IS Strategy & Architecture Director, at 2015 winner Centrica, said:

“This is a fascinating example of how EA strengthens IT and Business.  The team applied their knowledge to champion continuous improvement to their landscape and established trust through results.”
While all credit goes to the EA team at South State Bank, we are proud that BiZZdesign’s Enterprise Studio helped South State Bank with their challenge of transforming their business in a rapidly changing market dominated by larger firms.

Read the Forrester blog post by Alex Cullen to find out more about the winners of the Enterprise Architecture Awards 2016.

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