How to use ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign to win at Digital Transformation

Apr 14, 2023
Written by
Nick Reed
Nick Reed

How to use ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign to win at Digital Transformation

ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign customers can benefit from the complementary strengths of both platforms. How? Integrate future state design and roadmapping with centralized management of your business application portfolio and current state operational data through productized data mapping between ServiceNow’s Common Service Data Model (CSDM) and ArchiMate. By doing this, you can design strategic technology roadmaps to drive digital transformation, IT estate modernization and cloud transformation for your enterprise.

Data mapping between ServiceNow’s Common Service Data Model (CSDM) and ArchiMate with Bizzdesign.
Source: Bizzdesign

How to take advantage of ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign

Gain control of your current-state application portfolio with ServiceNow APM through a centralized application inventory, robust data management workflows, and dynamic application indicators to support decision-making around application modernization and cloud migration initiatives to reduce cost and lower risk. Then, leverage the unparalleled modeling and visualization capabilities of Bizzdesign to design future (target and transition) states.

CSDM-Archimate exchange between Servicenow and Bizzdesign software. A diagram showing the bi-directional app integration of the two.
Source: Bizzdesign


3 Key Benefits of leveraging ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign

1. Holistic view of current and future technology portfolio landscape

ServiceNow enables you to manage all your IT assets and work in one place, connecting plan, build and run with a 360-view based on a single source of truth for IT.

Bizzdesign provides traceability from strategy to execution, connecting the dots across business and IT, providing decision support for digital transformation and strategic technology roadmaps.

ALSO READ: Get more insight on Enterprise Architecture Management

2. Use cases beyond Application Portfolio Management

With ServiceNow serving as a single source of truth to get all IT information under governance and management and Bizzdesign providing fast and simple modeling and visualization of all architecture information, the combination of the two platforms supports countless use cases, such as Capability Based Planning, Application Portfolio Management, Enterprise Architecture Management, Solution Architecture Management, Security Architecture Management, Risk and Compliance Management, and many more.

How Application Portfolio Management Software Supports Cloud Transformations

3. Seamless collaboration

ServiceNow APM and Bizzdesign enable all transformation stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly on the data sets they’re working on.

Our productized integration and pre-configured ServiceNow CSDM and ArchiMate mapping means you have full control over your data to ensure all stakeholders see only the information they require for designing future states, such as target and transition states.


Some enterprise architecture software lacks the capability to design and model target and transition states incorporating reference architectures, taking a more current state-focused portfolio management approach. These tools may also lack full application portfolio visibility including critical up-to-date operational and performance metrics, needed for informed decision-making on optimizing the application landscape.

To overcome these limitations, organizations can rationalize their tools by using ServiceNow APM, complemented by Bizzdesign’s Horizzon enterprise architecture platform.

Such an approach enables comprehensive and structured application portfolio management, incorporating target state design, strategic roadmaps, and architecture governance, combined with Bizzdesign’s powerful and flexible visualization capability.  Together, these platforms help ensure success in digital transformation initiatives.

About the author:

Nick Reed

Chief Strategy Officer at Bizzdesign

Nick is responsible for value proposition development, building strategic partnerships, and driving innovation topics, including executing Bizzdesign’s ‘buy & build’ acquisition strategy. He has over 25 years of experience in B2B enterprise software and SaaS, dedicating 15 years to enterprise architecture and portfolio management.


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