Enterprise Architecture and Capability-Based Planning

Oct 27, 2020
Written by
Marc Lankhorst
Marc Lankhorst

Enterprise Architecture and Capability-Based Planning

Business capabilities are stable building blocks that define what an organization does. They encompass elements such as people, processes and systems that come together to realize specific functions. Due to their relatively lasting nature and the way they consolidate various cross-domain components, capabilities are a very useful tool for facilitating dialogue between stakeholders on the business and IT sides of the organization. Specifically, by managing and planning the way these capabilities and their constituents interact with strategy, with technology components etc. organizations can better navigate the complexity inherent in any large enterprise’s business-IT landscape.  

Enterprise architecture plays a key role in improving your organization’s capabilities. With its broad scope and strong analytical toolset, EA is ideally positioned to identify valuable insights that can optimize the inner-workings of an enterprise’s capabilities. In today’s video, Marc Lankhorst discusses the importance of Enterprise Architecture for Capability-based Planning and provides some examples of how EA can substantially improve capability management and planning. Tune in to listen to Marc and you’ll get a better idea of the interesting intersect between EA and business capabilities, as well as how it can be used to deliver value. And if you want to know more about capabilities and capability-based planning with Horizzon and Enterprise Studio, download our whitepaper.