Governance, Risk & Compliance

Define responsibilities, ensure continuity and be in control of business change

A holistic view to ensure regulatory compliance

By using Bizzdesign Horizzon Enterprise Studio to integrate business processes, logic and data in one model, you can ensure enterprise-wide compliance with applicable regulations. Analyze the impact of new rules and guarantee their effective implementation.

Be in control with clear governance and accountability
The clear and explicit descriptions of business processes, tasks, policies, roles and responsibilities support well-defined governance and accountability. This way, you will stay in control and deal with regulatory pressure effectively.

Protect business continuity
Analyze dependencies across your enterprise and know the potential impact of disturbances. BiZZdesign Horizzon helps you to minimize the risk of failures and define contingency plans that effectively deal with potential problems.

Manage risk architecture across the enterprise
Effectively invest in risk architecture, not with a costly blanket approach but with targeted actions. Use Horizzon to analyze threats and vulnerabilities, and define appropriate mitigating measures. Aligned with the Open FAIR and SABSA® security standards, among others.

Provide transparency with clear reports to stakeholders
Prove you are in control by demonstrating you have implemented the right policies and measures. Provide your stakeholders with clear insight into responsibilities, risks and compliance, to enable them to make the necessary decisions.