Future Ideas: Harnessing Worldwide Innovative Power

Mar 23, 2021
Written by
Marc Lankhorst
Marc Lankhorst

Future Ideas: Harnessing Worldwide Innovative Power

The Future Ideas Worldwide Academic Competition is a great way for students and graduates to submit their innovative ideas to a large audience and have the opportunity to win mentorship from a great mind in their field of study. Its six themes provide a great breadth of subjects:

  1. Future of Business
  2. Future of Community
  3. Future of Health
  4. Future of Design
  5. Future of Sustainability
  6. Future of Technology

From BiZZdesign’s perspective, the Future of Business theme is particularly interesting. All kinds of questions spring to mind. How would you design the 21st century organization? What new business models can you come up with? How do you create a company that can innovate and adapt more rapidly than ever? How can you use new approaches such as gamification in the design and operation of your company? How do you deal with the risks and disruptions in our globalized world, where change happens faster than ever? BiZZdesign’s own business is of course to help its clients deal with those kinds of challenges. It is exciting to see that these themes are part of such an international competition.

Next to this competition, they also organize Young Thinkers business challenges, campaigns to solve specific business problems of companies. These challenges, organized in collaboration with Thinkers50, are also a great way to see your ideas for the future of management thinking applied to real-life business cases.

BiZZdesign’s R&D department works with lots of students. They are not yet constricted by ‘established’ ways of thinking and ‘best practices’ (which are just a way of saying we haven’t found anything better, so their look at things is often refreshing and inspiring. Moreover, they bring in the newest insights from academia and sometimes even their own business experience. In fact, the University of Twente, BiZZdesign’s neighbor, has the largest number of spin-off companies among Dutch universities (some 800). That is the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that Future Ideas wants to stimulate!

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